Monday, August 29, 2011


Grace without shadow is she,
Illuminating wisdom circumspect,
Intriquing hidden mystery,
Reserved for only me;

Joyful bliss without boundary,
Rooted, grounded, flexible, free,
Amazing oximoronity,
Winging my heart away with she,

Love, open, beyond degree,
Unfathomable Scope, unknowable depth,
Receiving imaginably more than I see,
Everything shared exhibits endless fertility;

She be the other world of me,
wildly blossoming,
contagiously living,
a love spending spree,
Seeking to overwhelm the world she sees
with beauty

For Kimberly, my soulmate!


Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Few, the proud, the Pheresed!!

I volunteered to be pheresed. The process takes 1 hour per unit of platelets...but they said I was very healthy and could donate (2) units if I wanted...I said sure.

They hooked me up via all the tubes and a big needle to this big boxy machine; everything was good until about 45 minutes later when I realized that I had to pee really bad there was no way to stop the process without stopping the donation completely...just short of a full unit, so I decided to hold it...well that idea lasted about 5 more minutes, when I started to ask about other options.

They offered to bring in a sterile container I could pee into (with them all out of the room)I was happy for that option and begin trying to get my clothes prepared for this...while juggling the cables, hoses and a really big needle in my arm...this was happening during the "drawing' part of the cycle, when the blood was being drawn out of me. Well...I guess the suction in combination with the movement and slight bending of my arm caused the vein in my arm to collapse or somethingI instantly felt terrible...not to mention the machines started blearing an alarm so I had to make a quick decision...I pulled my pants back up before calling the female attendant back into the room.

The room was already graying out...I was feeling like headed and is a really uncomfortable feeling!! I started sweating buckets of water, through all my clothing, running down my forehead in little rivers. I started to feel like the bad feelings were leveling out a bit...and I had to pee really bad at this bladder was throbbing!

They extracted the needle, wrapped up my arm and spoke soothing words to me. I felt pretty terrible, but maybe i felt good enough to go to the bathroom real quick. I took it slow and swung my legs around over the side of the well padded laid-back chair. I sat up in preparation to stand on my feet.

The restless uncomfort of the moment before felt like the best day of my life compared to how I felt in that moment before I tried to stand up.

I was so miserable that I could only give the attendant and the newly arrived doctor blow by blow snippets of my pain...."my hands are numb"....My lips are whole face in numb...and then everything is graying out...I can barely see where I look..Everything ached with wrongness...then the nurse who was taking my blood pressure gasped. She read off my blood pressure 75/80!!

I was fading and quite honestly all I wanted to do was pass out into oblivion, it was so miserable. I am thankful that the doctor showed up...she asked why my legs weren't raised up...she hitched up the lower portion of the chain and my legs were pointing almost straight up in the air!! It was only seconds before the gray went away, I stopped sweating, and then my nausea...all like magic my blood pressure was back to normal the next time they checked it...something like 140/80. After a minute I felt as good as I did when I walked in as soon as I felt better, you can guess what I wanted to do. A male doctor walked me to the bathroom...and I used the bathroom.

Note to self: don't drink a whole lot of fluids before getting pheresed.