Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The road less traveled

Ahhh, the quiet, shady road less traveled.  Whenever a comparison word is used a comparison should probably be used so here is a road 'more' traveled:

The sidewalk implies "walk here", Whereas the dirt road implies "this way has been walked."  The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost is a source for these thoughts.  The 'road less traveled' concept sings to my trailblazing heart.  

Unchanged country is hard to find in today's world, unless one seeks this inside themselves.

For the better part of my life, I cursed this invisible trail.  I tried walking the paths others did, none of them kept my interest long.  I shuffled and kicked the rocks on this trail, drudging along alone.  The loneliness was a mantle that I felt burdened to wear.  People would walk with me for a little bit, but no one lingered.

Religion didn't ever offer companionship, all the rules led to more isolation because of guilt.  I was convinced that something was different/wrong about me.  I was at least half right.  

I came to a crossroads, and chose to continue on my own path, blazing a trail.  Then I realized that I was made for this trail.  Yes, I was different, my path was my own, but that I didn't have to walk it alone.  I thought I was only one person incapable of only loving others.

Imagine my surprise when I realized that the person I was missing was myself.  I am finding that no one else can understand my path.  Even my soul mate has a different path, that runs parallel some times.  

I have found ways to translate my personal thoughts into words and actions that most other can understand.  They didn't blaze this trail, most people don't blaze any trail they follow mindlessly behind others.  

This road less traveled continues to lead to a deeper understanding of myself.  As one person understands another better by continued interaction, so this trail teaches me about who I really am.  

I would enjoy your company on this path, but it is not for the faint of heart, or those whose chief concern is safety.  You will get to see some stuff you have never dreamed of.  Maybe what you see will help you push through a rough spot in your own trail,  chances are good that you will see things that I could never dream of.

It could be that you feel trapped, lonely, doomed. Look at your crossroads, choose your way, push forward, find a little bit more about your unique path.  There isn't a wrong way, as long as you lean into it.