Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The path that isn't taken

There is one way to go,
you can't see it,
It exists to be trod,
lean into it anyway,

Push through the bushes,
through the trees,
The mud won't stop you,
nor the rivers, lakes, mountains,

Traversing distance,
Transitioning daily,
Truly determined,
Taking damage;

You will find it between your stride,
when your mind wanders on the breaks,

You will notice it in your peripheral vision,
Conversations will form and grow,
Paradigms will appear and shift,

Then your eyes will open,
Then you will see...yourself.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Weekly Agony

Wracking pain in every joint,
Chills shake my heat out in waves,
Heart smacks against my ribs,
Breath escapes through clenched teeth;

My stomach flips: growling, then angry.
Neck groans at a head that aches,
Abs radiate a moan to my mouth,
Eyes burn and tear, as if a sadness has destroyed me.

Damn the medicine that brings this pain,
Pain once again my ally,
Pain takes days from me, tearing them away,
Yet yielding years in return.

Here is my curse, measure it,
Here is my pain, feel it,
Here are my blessings, allow them to effervesce around you.
Allow them to embrace you, for they are me.

I am my pain, my curse, but it lets me be your blessing.