Tuesday, November 25, 2014

My purpose statement

Monday, November 24, 2014


Sometimes acknowledged and most times unknown, undercurrents of life.

Condensed lessons that life is life; it isn't fair, nor consistently any other flavor.

Blinking warning lights on the dashboards of our lives'.

Reminders that change is life, growth is life, death stands counter posed.

Life's happiest moments come after.

Transitions: Life

Friday, November 21, 2014

Words or not?

We use words to define our reality.  We use words to express our feelings.  Words communicate 'us'.  The words we choose; communicate more about us than just the message we are intent on sending.  

For instance take the word "fat"; this is an emotionally laden word in our culture. It is loaded up with many negative implied messages.

I have been listening to my words very intently as of late, listening for messages from my subconscious.  These messages might be for me, or for someone who is listening, or for anyone that would listen.

I have been gaining a deep respect for my subconscious self.  It has been spot on with many instincts lately, so I would like to listen to it more.  

So far in my 40 years only one person is better at listening to my subconscious than me: my soulmate.  She has an uncanny knack for it, in fact, I have dissassembled my words and phrases to see where she received the information from, only to find secret messages in and between my words!

It feels like talking to an ancient person when I communicate with my subconscious.  He is not the 'dirty old man' I was always taught to believe; but a better truer me.  I really like my subconscious, he is such a bright and insightful guy!!  So much of who I consider myself to be; flows from this hidden part of me.