Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Abigail's birthday is today. She is having a good day. We have seen a lot of measurable progress with Abigail since starting her on the regime of medication and counseling to help her find health. She is much more playful and happy at all times. She is more expressive about things she doesn't like, to the point where she is content to loudly annouce the slightest infraction of her boundaries. We were hoping to see the thumbsucking go away but it is still around.

The girls have a new modus operindi when it comes to bedtime. They wait like predators to pounce from underneath their blankets, then when I sit on their bed to tuck them it, they push off the covers and jump on top of me. I feign that I have been completely overpowered, until finally I realize or remember my full strength and toss them one at a time back into their bed, after that it looks like my normal tucking in practices: I pray for them, then give them each a kiss on the cheek and a big hug. Lastly, before I leave the room I tell them that I love them both. It is times like these that they are so much fun, it is times like these that I will miss someday soon. Time slows down in these moments, and becomes the precious commodity that I sacrifice so much to protect. Yet it slips right through my fingers.


  1. Tell Abby a very happy birthday from us. I haven't got her and Makayla's bears done yet but hope to by next week and get them in the mail also. Things have been crazy here. I am glad to hear that Abby is doing better emotionally. I was very concerned about how sad she seemed when she was here but happy to see how much some hugs and attention seemed to mean so much to her. I was happy to see her enjoy her time with Bronte as well as the time the kids spent in the trailer sewing. I judged a fair and a little girl seven did the most amazing job making a little dress for herself. I wished that I had Abby here to teach her how to make a dress for herself and maybe for her animals.

    I can't see right now how we will be able to come out for your "beach party" for your retirement. That is a very difficult time of year for us financially. We have several very large payments due right at that time and also it is the month that our income is the very lowest and we barely make ends meet anyway. We have not given up but it looks doubtful right now.

    You do need to enjoy your kids while you can. My experience has been as they grow older they not only don't want your attention but resent it.

  2. Mom, this is Aaron. I am sorry to hear that it isn't likely that you will be able to come out for my retirement. You will be sorely missed.

    Thanks for the post!

  3. This is Tim
    I do not resent your attention, Mom. But, you are right in that sometimes it was resented. Attention is a fickle thing. A person does not enjoy the attention the corrects bad behavior; on the flip side of that coin a person does not want attention from those they are not at peace with. This is why it is important to love God and his Bible. If we truly love God and His Law then not only are we guaranteed great peace, but nothing will offend us. That love is the key to fixing any relationship that is broken. It teaches us to place the people in our lives in a place where we can have peace with them.

    You know I should write a blog. lol

  4. You should! Mom does, I would be cool.
